embodied movement practices for moving and feeling better

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Hi, I am Kaila June Keliikuli!

I offer somatic movement education and coaching. I work with wellness and movement professionals as well as people who want to move and feel better, relate with life in a more wholistic way, and befriend their body home. My movement approach comes from the performing arts, personal training, corrective exercise, developmental movement and somatic healing. The base of my approach is Somatic Groundwork, a movement system I have been developing for the past 25 years.

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Ground Touch Workshop

Looking for immediate relief from overwhelm, overload, chronic stress or pain? Take this workshop!

pay what you can
$1 – $40 usd


Somatic Groundwork online practice space
Bring somatic movement right to you!
Choose from over 100 classes to improve mood, mobility and more.
1:1 Somatic Movement Coaching
Movement education and training designed just for you!
Increase support, stability, stamina and strength.
Somatic Groundwork Essentials Course
Practice yielding, unwinding and core support!
Explore the science of somatics, fascia and touch.

Somatic Groundwork as a movement meditation

Somatic Groundwork is like a movement meditation. Participants first learn how to apply movement to Restore and Regulate through yielding practices. As a whole, yielding practices are about resting into the support of the ground (or other contact surfaces) to be received by gravity. Yielding practices includes natural breathing, sounding, releasing weight and basic unwinding techniques like rolling, rocking and pandiculating. Take the Ground Touch workshop to experience the benefits yourself.

As a form of self-care, Somatic Groundwork begins with re-tuning neuromyofascial tone in order to support ease of movement and curiosity in practice. With embodied presence as a base, learning (and re-patterning) is more effective as defense responses are dampened and the individual will to do is harnessed.  The progressive movement vocabularies follow a developmental pedagogy using fundamental forces, primary movement patterns, improvisation and natural movement skills to help develop learning from the inside out and ground up. 

Somatic Groundwork improves coordination, mobility, stability and greater versatility in movement. Along the way, perceptual flexibility (ability to choose and create) improves as well. In turn, with honesty in self-research, somatic practice bolsters our ability to pattern healthy relationships with ourselves, others and our planet. Read more about Somatic Groundwork here.


Linger in Curiosity

begin with inquiry and wonder, stay with the question, allow for the unfolding

Return Here

experience this presence, explore resources of support, embody the felt-sense of ease and okay enough

Practice Your Body

pay attention to your body impulses, make agreements as you move and play with creative expression

Lean into Possibility

stay with the process, explore new somatic channels and movement choices

Relational Participation

listen to the spaces in between, dance with whoever arrives, particpate with the forces that be


VISION | to participate in healing and repair processes with ourselves, others and our planet so that we may cultivate good relating on all size scales

MISSION | to guide embodied movement experiences in participatory and inclusive spaces to teachers, therapists and enthusiasts for therapeutic, functional and creative outcomes

CORE VALUES | emergent learning + collective liberation + practice as play

What is Somatic Groundwork?

Sensing Fascia in Movement

Unwind your Spine with Somatic Movement

Biotensegrity, Fascia & Somatic Movement

“Learning with Kaila has provided confirmation that being in and living from an embodied sense of self is an act of love. That to be at home in the body and to invite students and clients to be at home in their bodies is how we affect the change we want to see in the world.”

Antonia Small
Integrative Movement Educator

“I highly recommend Somatic Groundwork to anyone with an appetite for exploring and developing a deeper sense of themselves. This is a profound journey and I continue to evolve.”

Janet Steeves
Yoga Teacher

“I taught hatha yoga for several years and found I was unable to teach or delve deeper than offering a physical movement practice – Somatic Groundwork has helped me to find what was missing – the bridge from movement into the nature of ourselves and all that is…life, connection, relationship.”

Vanessa Brumby
somatic movement teacher

“Kaila’s expertise in the field of movement science is the hard-won result of cumulative years of interdisciplinary study and hands on work with hundreds of clients and students. As a teacher, there is no one I would trust more with the hearts and bodies of students. She brings a dedication to working collaboratively, and an acute sensitivity and ability to respond valuably to whoever she’s with.”

Sarah Dawn Hartman
cranial sacral therapist and embodiment teacher