Somatic Movement Coaching

1:1 movement sessions (online) to improve support, stability, stamina and strength

Movement practice in any form is generally good for us, but if you are looking for specific and timely change with meaningful results then 1:1 movement sessions are the way to go!

1:1 Somatic Movement Coaching is uniquely tailored for your individualized needs while addressing the whole body. Each session is designed to progress your movement skills in a challenging, yet creative way. Whether your goals or desired outcomes include support, stability, stamina and/or strength, 1:1 sessions are a surefire way to experience effective results.

My approach is integrative and wholistic which means I recognize body-mind-spirit as a cooperative process. My movement philosophy is based in Somatic Groundwork – a skillful repatterning approach that works from the inside out and ground up. Developmental by nature, Somatic Groundwork is also a fascia-oriented and trauma-informed movement system. My experience as a certified personal trainer, semi-professional dancer and yoga asana practitioner also influence my unique and creative style for designing movement programs.    

I have worked 1:1 with clients since 2008 in gyms, studios, in-home and online.  My unique background, education and experience underscores my abilies to offer therapeutic movement support as well as address performance related goals and everything in between.

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My first private sessions were with dancers nearly 25 years ago.  At the time, Somatic Groundwork was beginning to appear in my experiments with somatic inquiry and developmental movement. In these first years as a somatic guide, my questions were about how we learn, unlearn and repattern for movement efficiency and inner support.  In 2008 when I decided to go to school to learn the skills of personal training, my desire was to discover a framework for working with clients that applied the science of adaptation and progression. 

My approach was unique in the space of fitness and training because I incorporated sensing and developmental patterns into the learning process for inside out change.  Every one of my clients learned how to access embodied active rest (yielding), refine their core support pattern and experience moving along myofascial pathways by sensing forces (like push and reach actions). After a decade of training with a focus on strength and conditioning, and with six of those years teaching the vocation of Personal Training, I found myself called back to teaching the therapeutic aspect of movement practice to other teachers and therapists. With that intention, Interdisciplinary Movement & Somatics (IMS) was initiated.  

Since then, I continue to have a small clientele alongside mentoring movement professionals and wellness practitioners in IMS. As a somatic movement coach, my super power is helping you use somatic inquiry and movement to reduce discomfort, pain, joint limitations, emotional distress, repetitive injury, fatigue and apathy. Common goals shared by my clients include to improve mobility, stability, coordination, creativity, core support, and to generally to move and feel better.  

As a somatic movement coach, I encourage your active participation through discovery based inquiry to help you facilitate change in a good way. During our time together, I guide movement activities to awaken creative insight, reduce movement interferences and encourage your natural ability for self-healing. Together we generate solutions and strategies for moving toward your goals.   

“The somatic learning I have done with Kaila and Somatic Groundwork has been some of the most impactful work I’ve done in my whole life. Her understanding of body mechanics and function related to movement is astounding. Kaila has helped me with core support (after 3 Cesarean sections) and frozen shoulder. The core support work decreased back pain and improved posture within a couple of weeks. With my shoulder, after one session I saw a huge improvement after having a completely frozen shoulder for months.”

Julie Trombley
Wellness and Life Coach

Boise Mountains, Idaho, USA

Somatic Movement Coaching 3 month program

The 3 month program is designed to encourage meaningful outcomes related to your personal health and wellness goals/ intentions. Each 1:1 movement session is 60 minutes via Zoom. The first session is a simple movement assessment that allows me to observe your general movement organization in basic activities.  From the assessment, I learn about how your body distributes movement/ forces through your major joint systems and the default strategies in place.  I learn about possible muscle imbalances, restricted myofascial volumes and opportunities for repatterning.  

Ideally over the first 4 weeks we meet 2x per week.  After that, for the remaining 8 weeks, we meet 1x per week.  Along with the movement assessment the program includes a total of 16 sessions in 12 weeks.

In between sessions you will have homework based on agreements we make together and that are related to your goals/desired outcomes, time availability, motivation, life responsibility and health status. I am also available for text or email check-ins between sessions for additional support or questions.

Change through movement training requires specificity, repetition and appropriate progression. For movement to create positive adaptation, generally 3-4 intentional sessions should be practiced per week. Outside of our time together, for best results, during the week you will perform 2-3 movement sessions on your own.  Part of my job as a somatic movement coach includes helping to design your movement practice each week.


the Somatic Movement Coaching 3 month program includes:

  • First session: movement assessment (with follow-up details and summary)
  • 15 movement sessions over 3 months
  • Homework between sessions that may include: embodied lifestyle practice, Somatic Groundwork and/or exercise sequences
  • Detailed electronic notes from each session (Google Drive)
  • Personal email/ text communication between sessions
  • Recordings of each session (Zoom) by request

Investment for Somatic Movement Coaching 3 month program:

$1575 usd paid in 3 monthly installments of $525

I live in Boise, ID in Mountain Time.  My availability is varied Mon. – Sat. 8 am – 6 pm.


Getting Started

If the above looks good to you, the next step is to schedule a 30-minute intro session via Zoom.  This intro call is free/ no charge and is in place so we can meet and see about our compatability and I can answer your questions. Together we determine if this is the next best step for you. 

Schedule an intro session by tapping here