Ground Touch Workshop
somatic yielding, rocking & rolling
In this 2-hour ondemand workshop, discover how somatic yielding and gentle floor-based movement can be applied as a tonic medicine to bring forth deep rest and recovery, inner stability and ease, and feelings of well-being.
Learn and explore somatic techniques like pandiculation, rolling point of contact and exploratory orienting. Elicit your rest and digest nervous system and alter the global response of your tissue matrix. Through ground touch and somatic movement practice, encourage nourishing feelings for body, mind and spirit. Reset your baseline to a natural energy state and expand your capacity for relating with yourself, others and society.
Lay down. Sink your body with gravity. Make gentle rocking motions and soothe your sticky webs. Roll softly and experience how weighted touch with ground generates softness and ease. Gently unwind the tangles by following impulse. Receive support and rest.
experience the benefits of therapeutic movement
Touch is basic, touch is multi-faceted and touch is global. Ground touch is a relational practice between your own body structure and support surfaces with ground.
Touch (the relatedness of touching and being touched) and the behaviors formed by these patterns begin in early development. The sense of touch arises through pressure, vibration, light touch and temperature. Through touch we get information about texture, weight, density and shape. Touch provides experiences of intimacy, affection and connection with Nature, other humans and physical forces. The kinetic messages of touch shape us in a myriad of ways and through every stage of our life.
Somatic yielding is a listening practice with the felt-sense of ground and gravity. Through our fascial matrix, ground touch gifts us with feeling felt. Somatic yielding with gravity paired with gentle wave-like rocking and rolling rekindle a friendly and supportive connection with touch. Physiologically, our nervous systesm responds with a rise in parasympathetic tone reducing pain and rigidity. The soft fluid movements also alter the properties of our fascia’s ground substance, shifting the gel-like substance to a more fluid state.
Overall, ground touch through yielding, rocking and rolling supports deep recovery, global circulation and energy renewal.
this workshop is for:
those who desire alternative wellness practices
movement teachers and therapists
creative movement artists and explorers
people new to somatic movement (no prior experience needed)
what you need for the workshop:
- A quiet and warm place for practice with enough room to lay your body in star/ X on the ground and to roll from side to side
- Soft clothing that is easy to move in without buttons, snaps, zippers or pockets that might be uncomfortable when lying or moving on the floor
- A mat, blanket, pillow or bolster for comfort (optional)
- A device that has good audio or bluetooth ear buds
- A journal and writing tool
- Any object from your altar, candle, incense, etc. for relational support and containing space (optional)

participant feedback after the Ground Touch workshop
Really beautiful. Feeling much calmer, no anxiety.
I needed that today. Feeling braver and more centered.
Really appreciated the time and space to really drop in.
Feeling very relaxed and grounded and grateful for this practise. Beautiful!
Thank you so much for this! I was just what my body and nervous system needed today.
Very grounding, touching and inspiring too.
This was so nourishing, I deeply thank you for leading this practice.
Thank you so much. It was delicious.
Very peaceful, which I really needed thank you.
My body was craving a comforting connection.
Felt physical and mental pressures easing. Felt neck and shoulders release.
Leaving the session in peace.
“Somatic Groundwork speaks to my ethics and values and hope for humanity.”
Lora Sheldon
Somatic Groundwork Teacher
“Exploratory.. . deep… insightful and high standard teaching.”
Jo Kemp
Somatic Facilitator